Coronavirus Information

Update (2021/03/06): Leipzig University has already signalled that they will not allow in-person teaching by May 2021 and we decided to follow suit and not have in-person proceedings in Leipzig. The Joint 69th StuTS and TaCoS 2021 will both be online conferences.

Whatever 2021 throws at us, 69. Stuts and Tacos 2021 will happen in May! We have proceedings planned for four scenarios of differing contact restrictions:

A) If somehow everything is solved and the pandemic is over in May, the conference can take place in person, exactly like it used to.
B) If the situation is good, but the virus is still around, we will hold the proceedings in Leipzig, but require everybody to adhere to strict hygiene regulations.
C) If the numbers make it too risky to have people coming in from everywhere, we will limit proceedings in Leipzig to little more than keynotes which will also be livestreamed, and rely on streaming for the rest.
D) In a lockdown-situation similar to the one in place right now, StuTS and TaCoS will be held completely online, like the last two were.

We’ll keep you updated!